Charles Milano

Full Stack Software Engineer & Developer


I am a full stack developer with a background in production design and a drive for bringing ideas to life in a collaborative environment. I leverage strong interpersonal, analytical and creative skills to foster a synergetic work space and meet client expectations

Full Stack Engineer & Web Developer.

I build web applications from scratch using a variety of different architectures and backend frameworks

  • City: Los Angeles, CA
  • Email:

That's enough of the professional stuff. I thrive in creative groups, and bring a playful energy while doing it. I like to have fun, work hard, and lift people up in the process.


I love me a good ole Legend of Zelda, or diving in to a fantasy novel. I played golf at a professional level for many years (and still try to), have a passion for photography and improv comedy, and a perfectly healthy relationship with World of Warcraft.


Here's a look at some of the frameworks and languages that i've implemented to build projects:

MongoDB & PostgreSQL
Python & Django
Express & Mongoose
React & Node.js


While I pivot in to tech, here is a look at some of my relevant past professional experience:


Charles Milano

I am a full stack developer with a background in production design and a drive for bringing ideas to life in a collaborative environment. I leverage strong interpersonal, analytical and creative skills to foster a synergetic work space and meet client expectations

  • Los Angeles, CA


Full stack software engineering & Web development


General Assembly

Intensive four month, eighty hour a week full stack software engineering bootcamp.

Professional Experience

Head producer, writer, & host

2014 - 2017

Los Angelese, CA

  • Lead in the design, development, and presentation of two daily shows for the BitesizeTV networks
  • Delegate tasks to the 15 members of the production team and provide counsel on all aspects of the project
  • Supervise the assessment of all show assets with editing teams to deliver content in a timely manner
  • Managed the use of production project budgets and materials ranging from $50,000 - $100,000

Jonny Cruz LLC

2015 - Present

Los Angeles, CA

  • Produced creative mobile content: Instagram, Facebook, Youtube for accounts of 200k+ followers
  • Monitored audience analytics and revised marketing approach to optimize / strengthen social presense
  • Managed PR brand appearance at live events including comiccons and other celebrity events


A look at some of the recent projects that i've built:


I want you to close your eyes and imagine a day in the near future where this is filled with rave reviews of my erudite coding skillz:

A goofy, hard worker, Charlie will 100% make your life better just by being around him.

Jonny Cruz

Ceo & Founder Jonny Cruz LLC.

I haven't asked Matt to write this yet but he will 100% say something really awesome.

Matt Gonczar

GA instructor

Perpetually on my nerves, Charles is a man full of talent, all of which he inherented entirely from me. Please employ him so I can stop worrying tyvm.

My Mom

Charlie's Mom

Every time I see Charlie he makes me laugh and brightens up my day. I'd hire him if I could but he's terrible at making sandwiches.


The guy I buy sandwiches from.


A little redundant, but here's another place for you to contact me, and a googlemapsAPI because it's cool and entirely unnecessary:


Los Angeles, CA

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